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Rod Loges

Since starting my first business in college I have learned that it takes tenacity, courage and just a little bit of "crazy" to start your own business. In all my prior business ventures securing the right kind of capital for what my business needed was always a challenge. In 2010 I founded One Degree Capital to help other business owners get the "right capital at the right time" for their unique business needs.

Fueling Your SaaS Success: Self-Care Strategies for High-Performing Leaders

The Burnout Trap

I've been there. Pulling all-nighters, skipping meals, living on caffeine. I...

SaaS Financial Metrics That Matter: What Investors Look For

Before examining the metrics, be prepared to answer these five critical questions:

  • How much...

The Right Time to Scale: Telltale Signs Your SaaS Business Needs an Infusion

Let’s dive into the key metrics you need to track, the signs that indicate your SaaS company is...

Maximize Your SaaS Success: Unlock the Potential of Financial Dashboards

The Critical Role of Financial Dashboards in SaaS In the realm of Software as a Service (SaaS),...

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: How Service Builds Stronger Leaders

Cultivating a Community Through Service 

Central to my personal and professional ethos is a...

Growth with Intention: Why SaaS Founders Need an Endgame Strategy

Why Think About the Endgame Now? 

Thinking about the end, even in the early stages, might seem...

March Forth: Tenacity is Key for a SaaS Founder's Success

In a sector filled with constant innovation and changing client demands, a key characteristic of a...

Finding Gratitude: A Founder's Perspective

As the Founder of One Degree Financial, I've learned that success isn't just measured in profit...

Strategies for Boosting Your Business's Appeal to Investors and Acquirers

Investors, particularly those focused on SaaS financial services, will rigorously examine the...

Recommended Reading | The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It

Embarking on a business venture is more than a commitment—it's a journey replete with challenges...