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Clarity Insider: Finance Strategy

Fueling Your SaaS Success: Self-Care Strategies for High-Performing Leaders

The Burnout Trap

I've been there. Pulling all-nighters, skipping meals, living on caffeine. I...

SaaS Financial Metrics That Matter: What Investors Look For

Before examining the metrics, be prepared to answer these five critical questions:

  • How much...

The Right Time to Scale: Telltale Signs Your SaaS Business Needs an Infusion

Let’s dive into the key metrics you need to track, the signs that indicate your SaaS company is...

Recommended Reading | The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It

Embarking on a business venture is more than a commitment—it's a journey replete with challenges...

Recommended Reading: Profit First | Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine

In the vibrant world of business, the journey from chaos to clarity often hinges on the financial...

Recommended Reading: What the Heck is EOS? A Complete Guide for Employees in Companies Running on EOS

Navigating the complex terrain of business operations requires more than just intuition; it demands...

How Valuable Are Your Accounts Receivable?

If "cash is king" then receivables would be the dashing young prince chomping at the bit to take...

Does Your Business Have The Right Banking Relationship? Here's How To Tell

We all wish we had George Bailey from It’s a Wonderful Life as our personal banker. The president...

Searching For A Business Line of Credit? Forget Interest Rate - Check Your Total Cost of Capital

Pop Quiz: If you loaned someone $100 and they paid you back $115 thirty days later, what rate did...

How Much Cash Reserve Does Your Business Need?

Nearly every day we receive a call from at least one business owner who is frantic about cash flow....